Friday, November 21, 2014

7 Money Saving Hacks

Okay, so I am extremely thrifty....if there is a way to get something cheaper, I'm going to find it! In this post I will let you in on the sacred secrets to getting what you want...for less!! Woohoo!

FIRST I need to get ya in the right mindset with one key principle:

Saving money means sacrificing immediacy. Most stores and sellers thrive off of your willingness to splurge and pay the extra required to take the product you want home same day. You pay for convenience. Period.

Here are my tips for thrifty livin'!

1) Off-brand and name brand items (especially food) have very little differences....except for their price tags.

I know someone who worked for Aunt Millie's Bread Company. He said that the only difference between the name brand bread and the off brand bread was the bags they packaged the loaves in. Sara Lee and Spartan brand bread came out of the same batch. Don't be deceived by the flashier wrappings and higher prices....

2) The internet!!!!

Odds are, it's always gonna be cheaper on the magical internet! I tried on a coat at Tj Maxx the other night (already reasonably priced anyway).....then I went home and bought the same exact coat for $10 cheaper online. Why not!? :D

3) Perfume wearers....I'm about to rock your world!

Okay, so perfume is ridiculously priced! I wore Victoria's Secret body spray for years due to the fact that I didn't want to pay $50+ for a couple ounces of smelly liquid. So, I did some research and hit the jackpot!!! TESTERS. You can buy the same exact perfume you love for a fraction of the price....and I mean brand new, brand name, perfume! The only difference is the packaging. Sometimes testers will come without a pretty cap and be put in a plain box instead of the fancy store-shelf boxes. I have done this with high quality results! Let me give you an example comparing the perfume I use at Ulta, and then at (make sure to read the reviews and observe the ratings beforehand though, there are some scammy people out there, like with anything....but Overstock does a good job in general)

Ulta's Listing

Overstock's Listing

4) The problem with consignment...

Consignment shops are high priced thrift stores. You pay extra for the neat displays and quality used items all in one accessible place when you go to consignment stores. Now they are great, don't get me wrong....but I, as a student, don't have $40 to put towards a pair of USED jeans! The employees at consignment stores are also educated on the value of certain brands and will price them accordingly. If you have extra time to sift through racks.....head over to Goodwill or Salvation army. You can find designer clothing lumped in with the cheapo brands for the same exact price! Why? They don't sort by value, they sort by type of item...shirts are shirts, pants are pants, and with such high volumes of merchandise coming in, they don't have time to research the value of each item. If you put in the work and take time to'll get some great stuff!!! For instance, at this moment I am wearing a big cozy, like-new Eddie Bauer scarf that retailed for $50... that I paid $3 dollars for at Goodwill. It's my fav scarf! Here is the link to the exact product if you don't believe me. <3

Eddie Bauer Scarf Listing

My $3.00 Scarf in the color (Smoke)

5) Shampoo cost cutting trick that is actually healthier for you hair!

Ready?.....baking soda!!! Baking soda is like what...$0.75 for a box? So cheap! Bu it also is great for your hair! There are whole articles dedicated to the "no-poo" challenge where people give up traditional shampoo and switch to this method. Many store bought shampoos actually dry your scalp which causes it to create more oils to compensate....which results in, you guessed it, the need to use more of that highly advertised shampoo you just used bought for $10. Baking soda cleans thoroughly while not stripping or drying...or adding extra oils. All you need is a spoonful, and then enough water added in order to create a paste, and you are ready to go! It doesn't lather, so that freaks people out.....but lathering (getting all soapy and foamy) is not necessary to get fact, shampoos that don't lather as well are actually better for you!! <3 I'll link one article below. :)

6) Jewelry (the non-precious kind)

Costume and statement jewelry is stupidly priced. I mean, $20 for a pair of plastic stones hanging from some mystery-metal earring posts? NO THANK YOU. I always hit up ForeverXXI for my jewelry needs. They are superrrrrr inexpensive and bring the same quality to the table as say...kohls does for their "faux" jewelry. I don't mind spending $4 for mystery metal in that case. ;)

7) Text Books....

Your college bookstore is about the priciest place you could ever buy text books. And if you're like me, you don't really have any emotional attachment to your books....nor do you have a desire to keep them around after the class has ended. RENT THEM. There are many wonderful websites that are dedicated to getting you used books to buy, or rent. I have saved hundreds this way...the best thing is that they pay the return shipping and everything for rentals!! I use for the most part, link is below. 

Well....I hope these little tips have been helpful! Saving money is all about thinking outside of the box! Good luck! <3

Thursday, November 20, 2014

20 Random Questions and Answers

20 Questions TAG!

Here are the questions:

1.Thing you cannot leave the house without?
My phone. I hate feeling like I can't get a hold of someone if something crazy happens. (paranoid)

2.Favorite brand of makeup?
Ummm...If I decide to splurge, probably Benefit or Urban Decay

3.Favorite Flowers?
Roses. Love them.

4.Fav clothing stores?
Goodwill, thrift sores in general, TJ Maxx, ForeverXXI, 

5.Fav perfume?
It changes a lot...haha. I currently use Be Enchanted by Taylor Swift and Pink Sugar....along with whatever Victoria's Secret  body spray I have.

6.Heels or flats?
Flats....heels are a disaster for me.

7.Do you make good grades?
Depends on the subject...are numbers involved or not?

8.Fav colors?
Burgandy/wine, turquoise, emerald....

9.Do you drink energy drinks?
Never had one...

10.Do you drink juice?
Loveee juice.

11.Do you like swimming?
I can take it or leave it...

12.Do you eat fries with a fork?
I'm not a huge fry fan....and sometimes I do eat them with a fork...yes. Don't mock me.

13.Whats your fav moisturizer?
Whatever is cheap and gets the job done.

14.Do you want to get married later on in life?
Yup!...but not later in life. I plan to be married young. ;)

15.Do you get mad easily?
No, and if I do I normally just get quiet and need about five minutes alone to be back to normal. 

16.Are you into ghost hunting?
Nope....I believe "ghost activity" is demonic activity....sooo I have no desire to play with that.
17.Any phobias?
Elevators, spiders, stairs, and really wide open spaces 

18.Do you bite your nails? 

19.Have you ever had a near death experience?
Probably....knowing me.

20.Do you drink coffee
I haven't been able to appreciate coffee just's still not tasty to me, but it smells fabulous. I'll give it that!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

You Cannot Please Everyone. Period.

So I posted a modesty blog yesterday....just stating my personal opinions and personal standards for myself. Harmless right? I guess not. I found a Facebook status from one of my Facebook friends who quoted the blog and then proceeded to, in essence, tell of my....i don't even know what... for doing so. (If you're reading this, I still love ya! This incident just gave me a great chance to write about the issue that is happening too often to those of us who choose to voice our values). I am a Christian girl, automatically this puts me in an AWFUL position when it comes to our world today. I am considered hateful, narrow minded, judgmental, and downright horrid to most. Why? I don't agree. It's that simple. Yes, there are some terrible people in the Christian community...that's undeniable! I am very disappointed at the crap I hear coming out of the mouths of the church sometimes, believe me. Nothing hurts our witness for Christ like a Christian who attacks others for their beliefs. BUT, even if you say everything're going to be wrong in someone's eyes. Here are the main points for those of you who feel judged by me or those around you due to expressed personal standards:

Love is not agreement, and Agreement is not love:

My extent of agreement with your lifestyle or choices does not affect my respect and care for you as a human being. I am not a supporter of gay marriage (a huge topic now)......with that statement I just made, most would say I was expressing hate for a people group. It's just not the case. Hate would be me running around cursing your name and egging your house...but instead I get called hateful for saying that I believe marriage is a holy covenant between a man and woman before God...hmmm. Just because your lifestyle is against what I believe, doesn't mean that you are any less of a person to me! The problem is that we live in a world where acceptance is equal to love. If that is your view of love, then you will be very disappointed, very often. Frankly, I am tired of being bullied by those who keep pushing their anti-hate agenda on us. It has become a "religion" of its own.

You will always be someone:

If everyone agrees with're doing something wrong. I pray that everyone has morals and values that they stick to! This "make everyone comfortable" mentality that we have going on now is just soooo dangerous. Nobody stands for anything anymore.....the only thing we stand for is making sure that everyone feels like nobody opposes them. I know it's hard to be persecuted for your beliefs but let's remember what Jesus said.....He said that He would rather you be hot or cold....if you are lukewarm, he wants to spit you out.

Remember WHO matters:

It is very easy to give into a neutral mindset, embrace the culture and compromise. I mean it would be easier to just agree right? NO! You are on this earth with the purpose of fulfilling a mission from your Heavenly Father. You are not here to gain the acceptance and love of the population. Now, this does not give you permission to speak your mind in an offensive way or be disrespectful to those around you....but it does give you the right to stand your ground and stay true to who you are in Christ. The world around you will always change its beliefs and thoughts on what is okay, what is not.....and so on and so forth. God's word and His commands, however, DO NOT MOVE! <3 Be encouraged and stay standing!

Make sure you are keeping your witness untainted, people ARE watching:

Stand tall.....but don't be a stumbling block to those around you. Watch what you say, share with grace, love unconditionally, be respectful, and remember that you may be the ONLY Bible someone around you reads. Something you say or do may be harmless and sinless on its own......but if it causes someone around you to stumble, stop (what my modesty blog was centered around!) :D

 Don't look down on anyone unless you are helping them up!

This is self explanatory...if you make someone feel like they are below you in worth because they don't believe as you do....don't expect to be heard.

How people view you DOES matter if you have chosen to live in God's purpose:

WHAT? Sarah you are crazyyyy!! I know...but hang tight with me for a sec. The big anthem of humanity has always been "It doesn't matter what they think of you!! You do what you want, live how you want, indulge in what makes YOU happy" those outside of the church this makes sense, but for my fellow Christ are NOT your own! You are a vessel for Christ. How you choose to conduct yourself and how you act towards others does matter. Now, I know you can't always control how people view you on some things.....but you most definitely have a say in A LOT of things. This again is what my modesty post was all about. Maybe it isn't fair that we have to "cater" to men's eyes, and it does stink sometimes I know!! I'm human too!.....but guess what, if that low cut shirt causes another man to is a problem. We should respect each other enough to do what it takes to protect the hearts and minds of our fellow brothers and sisters. That's just one of the sacrifices that we have to be willing to make in order to live out our faith. <3 It is a choice you have to make.

Those outside the church cannot judged by Biblical standards:

Forcing "Jesus stuff" in the face of unbelievers and asking them to conform to it is not a reasonable thing to do. We need to be examples and live out our faiths....but we cannot expect those who do not share our values and morals to conform to them. We have the right to have an opinion and stand for our beliefs....but judging them harshly and expecting them to confess their "unchristian-ness" doesn't even make sense! However, we are called to judge fellow Christians. God even says to hold each other accountable! The whole "don't judge me" card is not applicable within the church, so listen when you are confronted....even if it's hard.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Modesty Hacks: Tips for a dignified wardrobe without throwing anything away

Sooo modesty is the Christian/female topic that has gone through the wringer over and over and over! I get it! We live in a culture where sex sells and skin is in. No doubt! If you've ever tried to shop for summer clothing (or any clothing for that matter) with any sense of self respect, you know the struggle! The hems are high, the necklines are low, and fabric grows thinner and thinner with each passing year. Sometimes it feels like it would just be easier to give in, buy the questionable item, and get on with your life....but trust me, modesty is worth're worth it. I could go into a whole sermon about how the male mind works...why showing skin is degrading to yourself, and so on, but that's for a later date. Today I want to share some painless tips that have helped me navigate through the modern clothing market while also holding to my values and staying in style!

First things first...You don't have to resort to denim skirts and turtle necks!!!

Get ready....I'm about to blow your mind!! You can keep your existing clothes!!! BUT....we are going to explore some new ways to rock them that don't sacrifice your dignity!

I thought it may be helpful to hear my personal modesty standards (just so you have some context for the following tips). SO HERE WE GO! Here are my rules for myself! <3

1) No cleavage (if you see shadows coming off of "the girls"'s too low.)
2) The stomach stays covered
3) Straps or sleeves are a must, tube tops and strapless dresses/tops are a no-go
4) Cover the Buttttt (I try to keep my behind covered even when I'm wearing jeans)
5) Skirts above the knee are worn with something else...(Pants, leggings, opaque tights)
6) Swimsuits cover the stomach, and all the other goods as well, haha. Shorts or a skirt are a must.
7) Every outline of every part of your body shouldn't be displayed (no skin tight stuff!)
8) Booty shorts are never In general I avoid showing too much thigh. :/ 
9) Leggings are NOT pants...ever.

Here are my practical tips to get ya started!

1) Camis and tanks for low cut shirts and crop tops! 

Low shirts, and even dresses, can be instantly made acceptable with a Cami! Also, if there's a super cute crop top in the store that you know you couldn't wear don't always have to pass it up!! Just throw a matching cami underneath and you got yourself some sweet layering action going on!!

2) Bodycon dresses, mini skirts, and short dresses are not lost causes!

Throw a pair of jeans on underneath, a cardigan over top and you got yourself an awesome tunic outfit! I buy mini-dresses all the time as shirts! As long as they aren't too tight, they actually can end up being more modest that regular shirts. Who would have thought!?

3) Leggings can be your best friend!

They are not pants wearing them alone is not cool. BUT, cover from mid-thigh up and you're good to go! Big sweaters and dresses are super cute with leggings and boots....I'm obsessed.

4) Buy a size up!

Loose, flowy, and cozy are in! There is no harm done in going up a size or two! I sometimes go up three sizes even! It's modest, but I also just like the baggy look at times. Keep your pants fitted, and your top can be as loose as desired, while still keeping you looking thin! :)

5) Lower the heel height

Dresses appear much shorter with a higher heel....taking the platforms off can really lengthen a garment.

6) The internet is a wonderful resource

Swimsuit shopping is virtually impossible for young women with values...haha. I have found that the magical world wide web offers a wonderful wealth of modest swimsuit options that don't add 50 years to your appearance! I recently bought a swimsuit from for $16! It had boy shorts, a skirt, an appropriate neckline and everything!! SCORE! Check them out! You have to dig a bit, but there are cute modest suits here and there!! :) Shipping takes years though...only downside haha!

7) Maxiiiiis! 

Maxi skirts are adorable. period......especially with a longsleeve shirt and scarf...YESSS. So cute, and modest. <3

8) Hijabi fashionistas....get inspired by them!

I am a christian woman, but I follow many muslim fashion blogs... why? They know what's up fashion wise!!! The girls know how to rock modest fashion in super modern and creative ways!!! Don't believe me? Go to Pinterest and type in Hijabi fashion and get your creative juices flowing!

9) Scarves

Scarves can do a great deal of covering the chest area! plus they are cute and cozy!! <3


Goodwill and Salvation army will soon become your sanctuary for discovery! Vintage pieces and retro items make for great outfits! 

Modest online shopping options/links:

Hopefully these tips can help you start seeing the pieces of clothing around you in a different way!! Everyone seems to think going modest means throwing out all the cute clothes you own and stocking up on old lady's far from it!!! You simply have to see your existing clothes in new ways. Gooood luck!!! <3

All photos are taken from Pinterest, I do not take credit.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Secrets To Finding Mr./Mrs. Right

Facebook is constantly speckled with relationship woes and victories. Anytime I scroll through my news feed I see either a man hatin' post or a mushy status that boasts of the blessings of companionship. How do some relationships go soooo right, and some go SOOOO wrong? Destiny? Chance? God's hand? What is the secret!? I can't give all the answers, I dont know everything there is to know about dating and relating...but I do have personal experiences that have helped me get to where I am now! I was blessed with positive relationship experiences, and even though my previous ones were not it for me, I wouldn't trade the lessons they have taught me for the world! It was because of my past experiences that I appreciate my boyfriend, Jacob, so much! So, here are my secrets to finding yourself a keeper.

1) If there is any doubt, chicken out!

My first two relationships were spent in a state of anxiety. Did these young men treat me wrong? No, they were great guys! But undeniably, my heart was in a constant state of tight hesitance. I didn't allow myself to break off the relationships at the start of my anxiety because I felt that it was my fault. I thought that I was just being a wimp who was scared to give her heart away. I soon realized that these feelings of anxiety and lack of peace were God's way of saying NOPE, NOT THE ONE. If you don't feel 100% peace, there's a strong chance it's something you need to pay attention to! The right relationship will demonstrate the opposite of what I described above. :)


I have learned time after time that God does NOT mess around with relationships. I have been in constant prayer in my endeavors, and every time I have asked for guidance... I've received it (We're talking same day, in your face guidance!). Marriage is the most sacred commitment of them all, and God desires your desire for Him in your he will jump on any opportunity to guide your steps when you seek Him!!

3) Don't allow yourself to settle

Superrrr cliche, I know, but hear me out!! If you allow God to work his miracles in HIS timing, you will not have to sacrifice anything you want in a man. And I mean ANYTHING (That lines up with what God wants for you as well). The temptation is always there to grab onto someone who is compatible with you and gives you a sense of security...someone that you could live with and not feel like you'd kill before your first anniversary....but be strong and WAIT. There is someone out there that God want to rock your world with. I heard this saying and have stuck to it, "If seeing him doesn't give you the same feeling as when you see your waitress coming with your food, he's not worth it."

4) NOOOO Sex!

I have made the commitment to my future husband and to God to stay pure until marriage. I know I am an alien to most for saying that but it is the biggest blessing in the world when it comes to sanely figuring out how right or wrong a relationship is. When you have sex with someone, there are hormones and chemicals released that create a false bond between two people. Ever wonder why terribly matched, unhealthy couples still seem to have an unexplained attachment to each other? You got It clouds the mind and creates a seemingly strong foundation that makes it impossible to judge the situation accurately! Nothing good ever EVER comes out of sex outside of a fully committed marriage...we're talking legal, on paper, marriage!

5) You can't take back the "L" word

This one is self explanatory... Love is a sacred word, believe it or not. Don't throw it around or use it to the point that it no longer carries any value once it reaches the person you end up marrying.

6) It's not complicated

The right relationship won't be a complex puzzle! Things will make sense...your mind will be at ease. This isn't to say you guys aren't human will never argue or go through rough patches....but there will be peace. If you're in a constant state of "break up, get back together".....yeah....rethink it, it's probably isn't right.

7) Be equally yoked

SOOO IMPORTANT. Make sure that both of you are at the same level and have the same convictions/beliefs faith wise!...because if not, you're in for a disastrous ride. You want to do more for the Lord BECAUSE you're together, not pull the other down. There are no if's or But's about this's a MUST!!! \

8) Date The Family

Remember that a relationship is a package deal. You get the family too! Make an effort to get to know the loved ones of your love. You're working towards joining a family, not just getting a ring on your finger. <3

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Five Facebook Reminders

Over the years Facebook has blossomed into a powerful entity that contains the intimate details of millions of peoples lives! It is an AMAZING tool with infinite possibilities for business growth and personal connection! Now, I love Facebook as much as the next person...but there are definitely some things that we need to make ourselves aware of in order to keep our sanity! SO....without further ado, here are five reminders for FB users (and myself, because I am soo guilty of these sometimes). <3

1. You can't compare your B-roll to someone else's highlight reel

This quote has stuck with me, I absolutely love it!! Such a good reminder for life in general, but especially for social media these days!! Let's be honest, not many of us want to post about the pimple that sprouted last night...we want to put our best foot forward! Now, there's nothing wrong with this at all....but when we begin to measure our worth and validate ourselves by comparing our reality to everyone else's selective postings, that's when our perspectives become unhealthy and harmful. For example:

                             Fresh out of bed...   of my profile pics

2. Your profile is not a journal

So many people have an "I can post whatever I want because it's MY Facebook!" attitude. While this statement is true, you CAN post whatever you want...I mean, nobody is stopping you....we too often forget that Facebook is the platform from which many people judge our character (since I doubt we all see all our friends in person too often). Now I know what some will say, "Well! They don't know me!! I am who I am, if you don't like my Facebook then get off it!! I don't care what you think!".....while this, again, may be is not a smart or mature stance to take. Employers look at your social media (FACT), so that colorful post from last year CAN come back to haunt you. If you want to swear like a sailor and post distasteful material, more power to you! BUT, be aware that your social media activity is relevant when it comes to how others view you and respect you. Whether you care or not is up to you!

3. "Likes" and comments don't give you value

We gotta post that pretty selfie that makes us look like a Tumblr Barbie because ohhhh boy!! LIKES!!! I love getting that little red bubble at the top of my FB....not gonna lie, but it is sooo easy to equate notifications with value. It sounds so silly, but we have all felt it to some extent at one point or another!! Am I right? ;) Well, from one human being to another...let me just tell you, your beauty and worth is not measured by clicks. Promise. <3

4. It's okay to keep things to yourself <3

Nowadays everything is everyone's business. A relationship is not official until it is "FB official"....WHAT? What have we done to our poor brains? If it isn't online in black letters atop a sea of comments, it must not be real. We have developed this need to validate our experiences by making them into a post. I'm guilty of this as well. Imagine doing something cool and NOT posting about it! Why do it, right? We may not even realize it, but too often....we think this way. Allow yourself to keep information private when desired, share special things with only a handful of loved ones, or wait a while before rushing to change your relationship status. Your friends don't HAVE to know....nor do they always care about your vacation pics, relationships, and adventures....I know, this is heavy stuff! Put down your phone and enjoy the world around you every now and then! :) Privacy is a gift.

5. Building an awesome online presence only takes you so far

The amount of friends you can muster up, and the number of likes and comments you can rake in DON'T help you....out there in the magical land of reality. Don't waste too much time building a rad social media you, and neglect the real you. Facebook doesn't matter in the scheme of life and purpose, friends. It's a wonderful tool and definitely can be used for great things......but the physical world is where your mind and efforts need to be anchored in. Nurture real friendships, talk using your vocal chords, make time to experience the presence of those you love. That's what matters, after all. <3