I know these articles are popping up every five seconds on your news feed, but hear me out. As you probably know already, the hit erotic "romance" novel Fifty Shades of Grey is being turned into a feature film to be released on Valentines Day 2015. Social media and news outlets are having a ball with this film due to its controversial nature. We can't stop talking about it!!
Now I did my research before I began writing this. I looked up the general plot of the novel just to see if there really was anything more to the story than I initially thought, and I checked out the parent's guide for the movie itself on IMDB.com. My "findings" were exactly as expected, and frankly worse...
Now I know there are a lot of people out there posting things like, "There are better things to worry about!!"..."It's not that big of a deal guys!!!"....and "Don't see it if you're so against it!" But the perspective I will be giving you in this blog post will address the effects the movie will have on our culture for both movie-goers and 50 Shades haters.
Here is my list of four ways this movie will hit closer to home than you thought:
1) Our society will see what was once considered abusive and degrading behavior as acceptable
The movie is packed full of raunchy BDSM content. The film and novel have brought glamorous glorification to domination and submission practices. Women are loving it and can't get enough! This terrifies me. Not only does it scare me that more women are being romanced by the thought of being bound and controlled...but more so that God's purpose for sex is not even on the radar for the majority of the population. Sex is a beautiful thing, but we have twisted its purpose and context to the point that the very word "sex" is associated with the words "naughty" "porn" "dirty" and so on! If we allow our views of sex to be altered, our views on what a healthy relationship is also changes...this is where we start playing we fire, folks.
This isn't sexy.....it's ridiculous and flat out disgusting
2) Women are tools
I am not a feminist... but the objectification of women is something that not only disgusts me, but hurts me and breeds fear in me. This novel is considered to be a love story by most.... Are you kidding me? Let's look at what the definition of love is, love is putting someone's needs before your own. It is both a noun and a verb. In the novel, Christian Grey makes Ana, a virgin college student who gets put in Grey's path of desire, sign a contract saying she will not disclose any of the "activities" they partake in during their "time together." Now first off, red flag....but the most disturbing and most objectifying thing that I discovered during my research was that Christian told Ana to not look him in the eye nor touch him during sexual acts. If this isn't objectification and the use of a human body for personal gain....I don't know what is. How does this affect you? Men have been conditioned by Hollywood and pornography to think of women as such. I don't think that men are evil at all, but there is zero doubt in my mind that this mindset has started to creep in and greatly affect their perspective of women and relationships and sex itself. It terrifies me knowing that some grown man could be thinking about ME in that way....absolutely terrifies me!
3) Love gets in the way of a relationship
The novel preaches that love complicates a real relationship. Sex is priority, and once pleasure is taken care of, THEN you can start to delve into the emotions and mind of the person you are with. How romantic.
4) The portrayal of girls my age
Ana is 21 in the novel.....that's one year older than myself! Porn sites released the top searches they get from their viewers in 2014, and the #1 most searched keyword was "teen" and "college".....that's me, that's a lot of you, does this not send even a little chill down your spine? We have grown up looking to adults for the protection of our innocence, but instead they are the ones getting sexual highs out of our lacking of it.
Now I know many of the things I mentioned above aren't anything new to the world. We have always had exploitation, abuse, etc... My point today is to encourage you to see the fact that we are CHOOSING to glorify it. This isn't an inspirational true story, this is a fictional and unnecessary feature film that couples pleasure with abuse towards women. If you feel defensive reading this, truly take a moment to identify why. I just read an article that featured an interview with the co-stars of the movie. Both said that they honestly don't see the appeal of the story and that filming was very uncomfortable and emotionally taxing, neither want anyone they know to see it. The actor who plays Christian, a family man in real life, said that he was told to do things to his female co-star that he wouldn't want any woman to go through. If the spokespeople for the movie are discouraging it....take the hint. Don't head to the box office this weekend.
The Film Stars' Interview